at 0kmstart off at steve's house - bright and early - long way to go!!
at 23kmDoncaster
at 87kmWetherby
at 142kmstop for fuel, 133 miles
at 215kmwith the tank full of fuel it's now time to fill our bellies...
at 216kmwith the tank full of fuel it's now time to fill our bellies! stop for bruch
at 291kmEntering Scotland
at 349kmLocharbriggs
at 377kmDumfries
at 380kmCumnock
at 450kmstop for fuel at the motrway services
at 478kmGlasgow
at 505kmStepps
at 514kmMoodiesburn
at 521kmCumbernauld
at 529kmDenny
at 540kmCallander
at 576kmfirst night stay in Callendar