“canastra national park” is an offroad motorcycle ride in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
February 18, 2016
ride visits José Sebastião, José Barbosa, Guia Lopes.
  • José Sebastião

    at 144km
  • José Barbosa

    at 346km
  • Guia Lopes

    at 348km
  • canastra national park

    at 511km
  • This is a crazy trip! We will travel across one of Brazil’s largest off-road trail complexes, a real amusement park for off-road lovers. This tour totals 3 days of motorcycle riding, 1 day for you to rest your arms at the local beach, 2 days of travelling across the Brazilian countryside to the National Park of Serra da Canastra and 2 days for your arrival and departure. Founded in 1972, the National Park of Serra da Canastra has an area of 71,525 hectares and embraces three different municipalities in the southeast of Minas Gerais: São Roque de Minas, Sacramento and Delfinópolis. The area consists of two massifs: Serra da Canastra and Serra das Sete Voltas, with the Cândidos valley in between. The altitudes vary between 900 meters and 1496 meters (at Torre da Serra Brava) and the rupestre fields, fields that grow over solid rock, are the prevalent vegetation, combined with the Cerrado vegetation and riparian forests. The landscape here is breathtaking, and the place is also known for being the division between two major Brazilian hydrographic basins: São Francisco and Platina (Paraná). Rupestre fields filled with delicate flowers, typical Cerrado vegetation and gallery forests with beautiful atlantic vegetation intertwine in this spectacular scenario, where some endangered species, such as the giant anteater, the maned wolf, the giant armadillo, and the Brazilian merganser find their homes. We shall be lodged at our Amarildo Nikimba’s inn, named after our local guide. The man is an extremely skilled driver and has a deep knowledge of the place, since he was born and raised there. The inn is very well located, so that we can enjoy the Trail In Trail Out procedure, equipping our gear and heading straight out of our balconies. You will experience: 100% off-road time Radical trails with steep slopes Trails for all kinds of travellers. Mountaintops with beautiful views Extremely rocky terrain; you will learn to trust in stone and in tire adherence. River crossing Huge plateaus Rupestre fields Beautiful waterfalls Rivers and lakes Wild animals such as wolves and anteaters Lodging at the Amarildo Nikimba inn, a humble place with great human contact and swimming pool. Authentic mineira culinary, with food cooked in wood stoves. Beer every night

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