Wenatchee, Washington
Dusty's Drive-In is the starting point for PNWriders Thursdays at 6:30
at 3kmEntiat
at 27kmGranite Falls
at 52kmLake Chelan, Washington
at 57kmAlpenhorn Drive-In and Lake Chelan State Park.
Chelan, Washington
at 69kmTake 150 uplake to Manson or to Mill Bay Casino
Wells Dam - Azwell, Washington
at 96kmRest Area
Malott, Washington
at 142kmWagonwheel Cafe
Conconully, Washington
at 192kmLucky D's and 2 bars, motel, Conconully State Park. Kerr and Salmon Meadows Campgrounds are north through town. Dirt road along the Upper lake goes through to Loomis.
Loomis, Washington
at 269kmChopaka Border Crossing
at 292kmSide trip through to Penticton is a nice ride. This is the turn off for the border crossing. It is only open until 5:00
at 306kmHistoric Molson, Washington
at 338kmThis is well worth the detour up here, The old town buildings are preserved here in a ghost town setting
Bonaparte Lake, Washington
at 387kmCampground
Tonasket, Washington
at 434kmOmak, Washington
at 474kmOkanogan, Washington
at 481kmTwisp
at 537kmWinthrop, Washington
at 545kmPerrygin Lake State Park
Alta State Cut Off
at 609kmAlta Lake State Park
at 627kmBridgeport, Washington
at 644kmBridgeport State Park
Waterville, Washington
at 718kmStart Dirt Road, this road is oiled and not a bad ride. Alt...
at 725kmStart Dirt Road, this road is oiled and not a bad ride. Alternate route is to continue on Highway 2 down Pine Canyon to the Columbia River
End of oiled dirt road
at 729kmEast Wenatchee Bench
at 759kmEast Wenatchee, Washington
at 760kmWenatchee, Washington
at 764kmEnd of ride, Confluence State Park