Alexandria, LA
Alexandria Junction
at 1kmSouth Alexandria
at 6kmMake a right on Horseshoe Dr.
Horseshoe Dr. becomes Twin Bridges Road - things start to ge...
at 7kmHorseshoe Dr. becomes Twin Bridges Road - things start to get interesting
Rapides Parish
at 13kmabout two miles or so to the forest
Kisatchie National Forest
at 16kmShade forest, twisty road
at 35kmMake a left, road gets a little worse.
Take a left - warning, road very bad for a few miles
at 43kmUnion Hill
at 60kmNow, in Allen Parish, road gets considerably better, nice. Go figure.
at 73kmMake a right on Hwy 10, pretty nice road, through some foresty, some settled areas.
at 83kmPitkin
at 89kmSlow down! No sense in getting a ticket. You're in some hilly areas, nice twisty roads
South of Fort Polk
at 121kmBe prepared to make a hard left, and watch for cops. About a mile from this turn, we saw a cougar cross the road - yep, a panther. Straight road to Hwy 171.
at 129kmMake a right. Hwy 171 is the worst major highway in West Louisiana, but luckily we'll turn off son.
at 129kmNew Llano
at 136kmLeesville
at 139kmReady to hit a road that's very nice, some new four lane and some old two-lane. If you do this in the evening, the sun will be at your back. In the morning, in your face.
Walnut Hill
at 159kmGardner
at 201kmFour lane back to start, nice road.
Alexandria, LA
at 224kmNice ride.