Mt Colah to Hunter Valley Run

Mt Colah

Leave from McDonalds at Lady Street.

Watch out for this being a 60kpm zone because it remains so ...

Watch out for this being a 60kpm zone because it remains so as you head north for a couple more Kms since late 2007. It looks deceptively like a high speed road.

Still 60 kpm

Now in an 80 kpm zone

Mt Kuring gai

80 kpm and wide road. Not divided carriageway

Mt Kuringai

80 kpm zone


You are entering a 60 kpm zone. Slow down.

Berowra turn off

This veers left for the "old road", route 83.
Continue on 80kpm road.


Becomes a 60 kpm road for 1 km and it is policed.

Pie in the sky

Motorcycle cafe with home made pies and plenty of motorcyclist dropping in. Meeting place for Ulyssess Club

Brooklyn Esses

Wartch this down hill road with good visibility but very poor patched surface which has a tar based emoleum that "melts" and caused motorcycles to lose tyre grip. Currently a problem at June 08. Avoid tar "strips".

Brooklyn Bridge

Road turns to 60 kpm once over the bridge

Turn off to F3

Take the left turn off to Gosford on the F3. This goes in a anticlockwise circle under the F3 and then heads north. This avoids the dreary 60 kpm liomit on the old Pacific hwy until we get to the next off ramp for Peats ridge.

Mooney Mooney

A short section of variable 90/100 kpm will give way to 110kpm after a couple of kpm.

Peats Ridge turn off

100kpm. good wide open road ahead for 20 km

Ross Rd intersection

Peats Ridge

60kpm zone due to trucks entering from quarry

Peats ridge

Corrugated Cafe and petrol station here. No premium fuel available.

Central Mangrove

Be aware of this intersection as gravel sits on the road often and cars dart across frequently off Wisemans Ferry Road. 70 kpm zone

Springs Rd intersection

mostly 100kpm zone but narrow road with poor safety margin due to bush appraoching road edges. Keep eyes peeled.


There is a good cafe stop here also.


mostly 100kpm road but single narrow lane each direction and oncoming vehicles need to be watch.


Road opens up through here and good speeds can be maintained safely

Approaching Wollombi

Wartch for 30kpm posted signs as some corners are off camber.


Wollombi pub is here

Paynes Crossing

Pretty road but watch for oncoming vehicles


There is a petrol station here.

Broke road


Harrigan Pub is here with Irish beer and bistro. Hunter Valley Gardens Village is 200 m further along and has Cafes and eating places as well. Retun journey would be down Mcdonald road into wollombi and back home through Peats Ridge Road again.

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