Jamies Ride Route


Left Turn at Roundabout

Straight trhough at Lights

Right turn at lights and immeadiatly turn left

Right turn onto Pennant Hills Rd

Turn Left onto Castle Hill Rd

Turn Right onto New Line Road

Straight Through Roundabout

Turn Right onto Galston Road

Right turn at Roundabout

Right turn down to Galston Gorge

Left turn onto PAcific Hwy

Take Old PAcific Hwy Exit.

Be prepared to slow down and exit right into truck parking area

Stop at Toilet Block

Exit onto Old Hwy

Continue through Cowan

Go over the river be prepared to turn left at 2nd exit....

Turn Left and follow signs onto F3

Take Calga Exit

Be Prepared to bear left

Follow Old Hwy to Peats Ridge Caffe (On right)

Peast Ridges Shops on right

Head NOrth from Cafe

Take Wisemans Ferry Rd Exit

TUrn right

Turn Right onto Old Hwy

Turn Left

Take Exit off Freeway

Right turn onto Old Hwy

Stop at Cowan for bike change

Turn Left onto Windybanks Interchange (f3)

Follow F3 onto Pennant Hills Rd

Left Turn onto Pennant Hills

Follow Pennant Hills Road

Left into Adderton Rd at Coles Shell Servo

Right turn and 1st Left

Left Turn into KMA

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