hanging Rock
head east along Nundle Forest way
decison corner 1
lots of side tracks into active forestry areas but good riding
Nundle state forest
good side tracks to explore but all come back to main road now a days, used to get to Curricubark south down Tuggolo
Main road Turn right
end of easy forest rd, now on major almost all tar road
east to Thunderbolts way turn right south
avoid soft verges if wet, red soil loves to swallow you whole
turn left east
head for Riamukka SF or head south for fuel at Nowendoc if needed
can head south to refuel at Nowendoc if needed
turn right east
forestry plantations easy to miss signposted though
dicks hut FT is south of here if you must have more challenge
stay on main rd veer north east
loop track to west heads up to Trig station and air nav facility on hill
alternate side track, if not head on through tall canapy forest, noice ride