From Gooderham, take Hwy 503 to Road 3 (also known as Glamorgan Rd)
Turn right on Road 3 (Glamorgan Rd)
Turn left on Hwy 118/121 to the village of Haliburton
Turn left on to Skyline Rd and go to the top of the hill at ...
Turn left on to Skyline Rd and go to the top of the hill at the lookout point
Skyline Park Lookout, turn back to head to Hwy 118/121
Turn left on Hwy 118/121 and continue into Haliburton
Turn right and continue on Hwy 118/121 to the stop light
Turn left at the stop light and take Hwy 121 west to Hwy 35
Turn right and head north on Hwy 35 to the small town of Lak...
Turn right and head north on Hwy 35 to the small town of Lake of Bays
Lake of Bays
Turn right onto Hwy 60 and head northeast through Algonquin Park to Barry's Bay
Algonquin Sign
Algonquin information/permit center
Algonquni Provincial Park
Turn left onto unnamed road to 'Lake Opeongo Store/Magasin'
Opeongo Store
Turn left back on to 60
Sherwood, Jones and Burns
Turn right at Hwy 62 to head south to Combermere where Hwy 62 meets up Hwy 515
Turn left and head southeast on Hwy 515 (also known as Palmer Rd) to Hwy 514
Turn right and head southwest on Hwy 514 to where Hwy 514 me...
Turn right and head southwest on Hwy 514 to where Hwy 514 meets with Hwy 28
Turn left (straight) to Hwy 28 and continue to the town of B...
Turn left (straight) to Hwy 28 and continue to the town of Bancroft
Continue through the town of Bancroft on Hwy 28 to Hwy 118/121
Turn right and head west on Hwy 118/121 to Troy Hill
Troy Hill
Turn left and continue on Hwy 503 to Gooderham
Back in Gooderham