Alpine Way Thredbo Snowy Circuit
On Road
Low traffic
Good visibility
Good surface


Start at top of Banjo Drive heading the Alpine Way

Dead Horse Gap

Start of the Twisty Section, be aware of leaf litter and damp sections on road. Also Kangaroos

Leatherbarrel Camp Grounds

Single Lane Bridge

Tom Groggin

A good place to stop if you have multiple riders to ensure they all made it thru ok. Police sometimes setup radar in this area and camping ground so be aware of traffic


Another camping ground be aware police radar trap the straight sections & campers can be around use caution

Power Station Lookout

Great place for a Photo

Bridge Khancoban

Follow the road around, left takes you down to the water, nice picnic spot


Shell Service station on Premium Fuel available 95 was old checkpoint for Snowy Ride

Tooma Road turn Off

Turn right onto Tooma Road to head towards Cabramurra. Caution first section has farms and cattle. After that National Park leading down to Tooma Dam & Tumut Reservior

Tooma Dam

Great place to stop for a break. Next section has twisty corners, be aware of loose rocks & stones on corners. Also riders coming the other way on the wrong side of the road!

Tumut Reservoir

Another great place to have a break. Next section twisty and caution of loose rocks and riders on the wrong side of the road cutting corners

Turn off Goat Ridge road

Turn onto Goat Ridge Road to head towards Kiandra & Adaminably. Not much at Cabamurra, was originally a Snowy checkpoint but was the first point dropped

Follow main Road

Follow the main road onto Link around to the right for Kiandra & Adaminaby

Snowy Mountains Turn Off

Turn onto Snowy mountains Highway to head towards Adaminaby. Road patrolled by police and sections have some tight corners not sign posted of speed

BP Service Station

BP Service Station just before Adaminaby. Premium 98 BP Ultimate corner of Lette St and Snowy Mountains Highway


Great place for lunch friendly people. Snowy Ride the local school has BBQ. Police patrol area and strict on speed

Caltex Service Station

Caltex Service station Corner of Cosgrove Street & Snowy mountains Highway Premium 95

Middlingbank road Turn Off

Turn onto Middlingbank road to head towards Berridale. Road open but police set radar traps on top on hill and hide behind trees adjacent bridges

Jindabyne Road Turn Off

Turn onto Jindabyne road to ride into Berridale. Police heavily patrol as 50kph speed limit.


Berridale Pub Snowy Ride Checkpoint.
Lots of bikes

Dalgety Turn Off

Turn onto Myack Street which becomes Dalgety Road. Road is twisty and narrow in some section with some off camber corners


Dalgety Snowy Ride Checkpoint at the oval. Lots of bikes

Snowy River Way Turn Off

Turn onto Snowy river Way to head to Jindabyne. A great road some narrow section to begin with but opens up. Police sometimes patrol

Keep Right

Keep Right and follow the Snowy River Way Road

Barry Way Turn Off

Turn onto Barry Way to head towards Jindabyne. Speed limit drops suddenly and downhill so be aware of police radar traps

Jinabyne Roundabout

Turn Right to Jinabyne and BP Service Station Premium 98

Jindabyne BP Service Station

BP Service Station Premium 98 fuel


Jindabyne Check Point at Tourist Centre near shops.

Jindabyne Roundabout to Thredbo

Straight thru Roundabout to head towards Thredbo

Thredbo Turn Off

Turn onto Alpine Way to head towards Thredbo


Turn into Friday Road to Ride into Thredbo Check point

Thredbo Check Point & BP Service Station Premium 95


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